Friday, September 6, 2019

My first day of College Essay Example for Free

My first day of College Essay a) This course is a study of elementary algebra, which will include the set of real numbers, linear sentences, linear functions and their graphs, and operations and factoring with polynomials. b) MATH 0989 is a first semester developmental course which will prepare the student for MATH 1111 and its co-requisite course MATH 0999. c) To do well in the course, one must practice many problems outside of class, ask questions in class until there is a complete understanding of each concept, and prepare for tests by reviewing problems worked in class. d) A notebook needs to maintained and brought to class each day. All of the MyMathLab assignments need to labeled with the section and work placed in your notebook. 2. COURSE OBJECTIVES a) General education objective: Students will demonstrate a basic knowledge of the fundamentals of college level mathematics. b) Learning Support Math Program Goal: Mathematics students will be provided the knowledge and skills needed for successful college level work. c) Outcomes: Successful MATH0 099 students will demonstrate an understanding of solving linear equations and inequalities, operating and factoring with polynomials, and graphing linear equations. 3. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES a) Free tutoring available in the Student Success Center b) Study groups with fellow classmates c) Individual help during instructor’s office hours 4. OFFICE PROCEDURES FOR EXTRA HELP a) Bring lesson notes. b) Make sure the lesson has been read and the examples studied. c) Be prepared to show at least two problems that have been attempted. d) Bring incomplete or incorrect work for each problem. e) Ask for help as early as possible. Do not wait until the day of the test. 5. ATTENDANCE a) Attendance is very important. All students are expected and urged to attend all classes. Each absence makes it more difficult to acquire knowledge and increase learning. You will be contacted, if lack of attendance is becoming a problem. b) Students are responsible for every assignment and all material covered in class, whether present or absent. c) Obtain the name and phone number of a reliable classmate to contact, if there is an unavoidable absence. d) Tardiness to class is not allowed after the first week of classes. When the door is closed, no one is to enter. If you know you are going to be late due to a doctor’s appointment or such, please email me ahead of time. 6. CLASSROOM ETIQUETTE a) Treat the instructor and other students with respect. b) Talk to other students only during group activities. c) Leave the classroom during class time only after having spoken to the instructor. d) Cell phones must be silenced and out of sight during class time. 7. CALCULATOR a) Only scientific calculators may be used. b) Scientific calculators which will allow simplification of radical expressions may not be used. c) Phone calculators may not be used. d) Texas Instruments â€Å"TI-30XIIS† is recommended. 8. METHOD OF EVALUATION a) Unit Tests and Quizzes – 70%. There will be four unit tests. b) MyMathLab – 15%. c) Final Exam (Comprehensive) – 15%. 9. GRADES Average below 70, good attendance, effort, and some progress, and first semester in Learning Support Math F% Average below 70, poor attendance, lack of effort, or no progress WF% Withdrawn after midterm or stopped attending after midterm without officially withdrawing from the class W% Withdrawn before midterm 10. Learning Support Standards of Progress In addition to the Academic Standards of Progress (See the on-line Gordon State College Academic Catalog.) and in accordance with policies of the University System of Georgia, students enrolled in one or more Learning Support courses (See Learning Support Program in the on-line catalog for more information.) must comply with progression requirements of the Learning Support program.Learning Support students who need intensive remediation will begin with one of the 3- credit Foundations Learning Support courses (ENGL 0099, MATH 0097, or MATH 0099). Upon completion of Foundations courses(s) students will be required to register for the co-requisite academic support lab and gateway course to complete Learning Support requirements. A maximum of three attempts is allowed to complete both the Foundations course and the co-requisite pair. Students who fail two attempts at any of the 3-credit Foundations Learning Support courses will be placed on Learning Support Suspension. Students who only require support in their degree-credit gateway course will begin in one of the co-requisite pairs (ENGL 0098 / ENGL 1101, MATH 0097 / MATH 1001, or MATH 0099 / MATH  1111). Students who begin in a co-requisite pair are allowed a maximum of two attempts to complete the Learning Support Requirement. Failing to exit from Learning Support after a second attempt will result in Learning Support Suspension. The student may be considered for readmission before the end of one year of the suspension, if the student can provide evidence that he/she has taken measures to improve his or her skills. Time spent in Learning Support Course work in a disciplinary area shall be cumulative within the University System of Georgia. A transfer Learning Support student may be granted an additional semester if that student was making appropriate progress at the sending institution and is ready for the exit level course at the receiving institution and has not exceeded the allowed number of attempts. Students who have accumulated 30 semester hours or more of college level credit will be allowed to take only the required Learning Support classes. No other classes may be taken. 11 . ADDITIONAL INFORMATION a) Should students find it necessary at any time to see their instructor or the Coordinator of the Learning Support Program for clarification of any course related or departmental policy, to discuss their progress, or to request additional help, they should feel free to ask for an appointment. b) Any student who is certified as disabled or who qualifies for special accommodations must provide appropriate evidence of such certification immediately. Any student who intends to request special accommodations for this course because of a learning disability of any kind must immediately declare his or her intention to the college ADA officer Student Center Room 212 678-359-5585. Foundations for College Algebra – MATH 0989

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